Weekly Scraps

week in a few words

2024 W25

“Prompt Engineers” Wanted: Mastering AI Interaction for Success in Consulting & Beyond: Balancing Efficiency, Critical Thinking, and Trust

“Ever wondered how to make AI work for you?” asked Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer at McKinsey, in a recent interview. For young consultants, mastering the art of asking AI the right questions is crucial, especially during summer internships. Hilton Segel advised one intern to hone their skills as a ‘prompt engineer’ – a term highlighting the importance of eliciting information from AI tools to boost consultants’ productivity.

With AI-related work contributing to McKinsey’s record-breaking $16 billion revenue in 2021, top consulting firms are embracing the generative AI boom. McKinsey’s in-house generative AI tool, Lilli, exemplifies this trend. Designed to aggregate the firm’s knowledge and capabilities, Lilli saves consultants up to 30% of their time by handling routine tasks. This allows them to focus on more valuable client-facing activities.

But, as AI tools become increasingly integrated into various industries, learning to interact with these technologies effectively is vital. How can professionals ask the right questions and prompt AI tools? It’s a skill that will likely be in high demand as AI systems become more prevalent.

Critics, however, might argue that relying on AI tools for routine tasks risks diminishing critical thinking and problem-solving skills among consultants. Additionally, concerns arise about AI-generated responses perpetuating biases or inaccuracies, which could undermine the quality and trustworthiness of consultants’ work. To maintain integrity, AI systems must be properly trained, regularly audited, and transparent in their operations.

Despite these concerns, the growing role of AI in consulting presents an opportunity for professionals to develop new skills and adapt to evolving work environments. By understanding how to communicate effectively with AI tools, young consultants can leverage these technologies to enhance their efficiency, focus on higher-value tasks, and ultimately, deliver better results for their clients. So, are you ready to become a prompt engineer? Source

“YMTC Surges Amid US Blacklist: China’s Homegrown Memory Chip Champion Weathers Sanctions, Captures Domestic Demand for AI Development”

Ever wondered how a Chinese memory chip maker, Yangtze Memory Technologies Corporation (YMTC), is thriving despite being blacklisted by the US? It’s all about the surging demand for local components, especially in generative AI development.

“Not military-grade,” YMTC asserts, denying any military links. Their enterprise-level NAND flash memory chips have seen a price hike, thanks to robust local demand outpacing production. Beijing’s push to cut reliance on foreign semiconductors has made YMTC a go-to supplier for government projects, edging out big names like Micron and Samsung.

A cool US$7 billion capital injection from state-backed investors in 2023 gave YMTC a nice boost, but US sanctions pose production hurdles. How so? Being on the US export blacklist since 2022, after TechInsights reported YMTC’s breakthrough 232-layer NAND flash, means no access to the latest chip-making equipment or maintenance services from foreign suppliers.

Chinese semiconductor gurus advocate for favoring local products in procurement policies, and it seems to be working. Micron and Samsung saw revenue dips in China in 2023, while NAND flash sales slumped globally.

But, hey, what about those long-term implications of US sanctions? And let’s not forget the potential ripple effects of YMTC’s growing dominance on the global semiconductor market. Food for thought, right? Source

“iOS 18 Spotlight Search: Leveling Up with Semantic Queries & Machine Learning for Enhanced App Content Discovery!”

Well, Apple’s got your back with the updated Spotlight Search in iOS 18. Say goodbye to exact matches and hello to natural language queries. This game-changing feature uses semantic queries, allowing you to search for content within apps using terms that are similar in meaning.

But how does it work? The magic lies in the machine learning models that run on your device. Developers can even help improve the rankings of their app’s search results over time by sending signals to Spotlight when you engage with one of their results. The cherry on top? This update also helps Siri better understand an app’s content.

Now, you might be thinking, “is this really that exciting?” And sure, it may not be as flashy as other AI-powered features. But for those of us who rely on Spotlight Search to find information from our apps, this update is a breath of fresh air. So go ahead, give it a try and see the difference for yourself. Who knows, you might just find what you’ve been searching for all along. Source

“Colgate-Palmolive Revolutionalizes Manufacturing with AI-Driven Sensors and Robotics”

Sensors, robotics, and AI-powered technology are being employed to optimize manufacturing at Colgate-Palmolive’s four global innovation centers. The magic happens when these cutting-edge tools collaborate seamlessly to create a highly efficient and flexible production environment.

Let’s talk about quality control. With AI-driven visual inspections, Colgate-Palmolive can ensure that every product leaving the factory meets the highest standards. Gone are the days of manual inspections; now, advanced algorithms can quickly detect defects and inconsistencies, making the process more accurate and efficient.

Supply chain management is another area where AI shines. By analyzing data patterns and predicting demand, Colgate-Palmolive can optimize inventory levels, reduce waste, and improve delivery times. It’s like having a personal assistant who anticipates your needs before you even realize them.

So, what does this mean for you, the consumer? A more reliable and consistent product, delivered to your doorstep with minimal environmental impact. Who wouldn’t want that? As technology continues to evolve, it’s fascinating to see how companies like Colgate-Palmolive are leveraging AI to enhance their operations and improve your daily life. The future of manufacturing is here, and it’s looking bright. Source

“Meta’s AI Assistant Halted in Europe: A Setback for User-Friendly Tech or a Victory for Privacy?”

Have you heard the latest about Meta’s AI assistant? Turns out, it won’t be making its way to Europe anytime soon. Why, you ask? Well, it all boils down to those pesky privacy regulations that the EU has in place. Meta claims that these regulations would prevent it from using the data necessary to offer a useful product to European users, resulting in a “second-rate experience.” But let’s be real here, Meta’s decision to prioritize its business interests over user privacy is nothing new.

The Irish Data Protection Commission had requested Meta to delay training its large language models using public content shared by adults on Facebook and Instagram. However, Meta argues that this data is essential for its AI features to function properly. But is this really the case? Or is Meta using this as an excuse to skirt around privacy regulations?

A European advocacy group has raised concerns over Meta’s plans to use public content from its apps to train its AI. They argue that the company would use “years of personal posts, private images, or online tracking data” to train its AI. This raises serious questions about the potential misuse of user data, and the need for stricter regulation.

At the end of the day, Meta’s decision to withdraw its AI assistant from Europe is a missed opportunity for the company to demonstrate its commitment to user privacy and innovation in compliance with regulatory requirements. It’s a shame, really. After all, who wouldn’t want a useful AI assistant that respects their privacy? But I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what the future holds.

In the meantime, let’s keep the conversation going about the importance of user privacy and the need for stricter regulation in the tech industry. What do you think? Should companies prioritize their business interests over user privacy? Or should they find a way to innovate while still respecting user privacy? Source

“Huawei’s HarmonyOS Triumphs Over Apple’s iOS in China: A New IT Powerhouse Emerges”

You might be wondering how Huawei managed to surpass Apple’s iOS as the second-largest mobile operating system in China in Q1 of this year. Well, it’s all thanks to HarmonyOS.

For those who aren’t familiar, HarmonyOS is an open-source operating system developed by Huawei. It’s designed to be a flexible, scalable platform that can run on everything from smartphones to smart home devices. And it looks like that versatility is paying off.

One reason for HarmonyOS’s success is its seamless integration with other Huawei devices. If you’re using a Huawei phone, tablet, or smartwatch, you can easily connect them all to your home network and control them using a single interface. That kind of convenience is hard to beat.

But what about technical details? How does HarmonyOS stack up against iOS and Android?

Well, for starters, HarmonyOS uses a microkernel architecture, which means that it’s more lightweight and efficient than traditional operating systems. It also supports distributed computing, allowing devices to share resources and work together more effectively. And with its ability to run on a variety of hardware platforms, HarmonyOS has the potential to become a true universal operating system.

Of course, there are still challenges ahead. Huawei is facing ongoing restrictions from the US government, which could limit its ability to access key technologies and components. And with Google’s Android still dominating the global market, there’s no guarantee that HarmonyOS will be able to gain traction outside of China.

Still, it’s an impressive achievement for Huawei. And it raises some interesting questions about the future of mobile operating systems. Will we continue to see a few dominant players, or will smaller, more specialized platforms like HarmonyOS start to gain ground? Only time will tell.

In any case, it’s clear that HarmonyOS is a force to be reckoned with. So if you’re in the market for a new phone or smart device, it might be worth giving Huawei a closer look. Source

“Nuclear Power’s Future Shines Bright in the US: Overcoming Challenges with Bipartisan Support and Tech Industry Demand”

Bill Gates’s building a nuclear power plant in Wyoming, and he’s got bipartisan support for it. It’s true! Nuclear power is considered the largest source of clean energy in the United States, responsible for nearly half of the nation’s emissions-free electricity. And with the increasing demand for cleaner and greener forms of energy, especially from tech companies like OpenAI, who require significant power to run their data centers, nuclear power is an attractive option.

But what about the challenges? Critics argue that nuclear power plants can be expensive to build and maintain. And there are valid concerns about nuclear waste disposal and safety. Let’s not forget the negative public perception of nuclear power due to past accidents and the association with nuclear weapons.

Despite these challenges, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are taking steps to support the nuclear energy industry. The House of Representatives passed the ADVANCE Act in March to expand the use of nuclear energy in the United States and abroad, and President Joe Biden signed a law allocating $100 million to nuclear workforce training programs.

So, what do you think? Can nuclear power play a significant role in reducing emissions and meeting energy needs? Or are the challenges too great to overcome? As for me, I think it’s worth exploring. After all, the future of our planet depends on it. And with Bill Gates leading the charge, I’m optimistic about the possibilities.

In summary, the bipartisan support for nuclear power in the United States, along with the increasing demand for clean energy from the tech industry, presents an opportunity for nuclear power to play a significant role in reducing emissions and meeting energy needs. However, addressing the challenges of cost, safety, and public perception will be crucial to the industry’s success. With Gates at the helm, perhaps nuclear power can become a more viable and sustainable option for our energy needs. But the question remains, are we willing to invest in it? Source

“Xpeng’s AeroHT Takes Off: Navigating Challenges in China’s Booming Low-Altitude Economy”

Xpeng, a Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker, is soaring high with its flying car, X2, which just completed its maiden flight at Beijing Daxing International Airport. AeroHT, Xpeng’s affiliate, co-founded and led by He Xiaopeng, is the brains behind this innovation.

But wait, there’s more! China’s low-altitude economy, which includes businesses operating unmanned drones and manned aerial vehicles below 3,000 meters, is on the rise, thanks to supportive policies and regulations since 2021. In fact, the market is projected to surpass 1 trillion yuan (US$138 billion) by 2026.

AeroHT, a pioneer in this field, started developing flying cars way back in 2013, with research centers and testing bases in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Shanghai. But here’s the catch: while the low-altitude economy is booming, underdeveloped infrastructure and the absence of industry-wide standards pose significant challenges to large-scale commercialization.

Wu Ximing, deputy director of the Science and Technology Committee of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, emphasized these issues in a People’s Daily report in April. To fully realize the potential of flying cars and the low-altitude economy, China needs to invest in infrastructure development and establish industry-wide standards. This would ensure safe and efficient operations, promote competition, and encourage innovation.

So, what do you think? Are we ready to take flight and embrace the future of transportation? Let’s hope so! Source

“Dubai Police’s Cybertruck Addition: A Publicity Stunt or Practical Patrol Vehicle?”

Elon Musk’s excitement about Dubai Police adding a Cybertruck to their luxury patrol fleet is understandable, but let’s take a closer look at its potential role and effectiveness. The luxury fleet, including Bugattis and Lamborghinis, is mainly a tourist attraction, so it’s doubtful the Cybertruck will be chasing down speeding Ferraris anytime soon.

Now, let’s talk about the Cybertruck’s durability. It can withstand small-caliber guns, but larger weapons? Not so much, according to JerryRigEverything’s test. Its offroad capability has also been questioned, with videos showing it struggling in various terrains.

What about safety concerns? The rapid acceleration and stainless steel frame have experts warning it could become a “guideless missile” – not exactly the image we want for a police vehicle. And let’s not forget the numerous issues since its release: a recall for faulty accelerator pedals, quality complaints, and delivery delays due to problematic windshield wipers.

In conclusion, while the Cybertruck may look impressive parked next to a Bugatti, its actual role and effectiveness within Dubai’s police force remain uncertain. Perhaps it’s time to focus less on flashy additions and more on addressing the vehicle’s real-world issues. After all, a reliable police vehicle is crucial for public safety. Source

“Meta Unleashes Threads API: A Game-Changer for IT Developers in Social Media Management”

Great news for developers! Meta has finally launched the API for its Threads app, opening up a world of possibilities for creating unique experiences around the platform. With this API, developers can now publish posts, fetch content, and manage replies with ease.

But that’s not all. The API also provides analytics, such as views, likes, replies, reposts, and quotes at both the media and account level. This means that businesses and creators can now manage their Threads presence at scale, making it easier to connect with their audience and measure their success.

Meta had initially announced the API in October 2023, and they’ve delivered on their promise. They’ve even gone a step further by releasing a reference open-source app on GitHub, giving developers a head start on building their own apps.

Of course, with any new technology comes criticism. Some argue that social networks have been notoriously stingy with their data, leaving developers in the lurch. However, the fact that Meta’s Threads has more than 150 million users and is integrating with the fediverse makes it a promising platform for developers.

The success of this initiative will ultimately depend on how Meta manages data privacy and developer relations. But for now, it’s an exciting time for developers to explore the possibilities of what they can build with the Threads API. So, what are you waiting for? Get building! (Just make sure to prioritize user privacy and data security, of course.) Source

“SUSE Unleashes Vendor-Neutral Generative AI Platform: A Leap into Open Source AI Workloads for Enterprises”

The Luxembourg-based open source company has announced its AI strategy and the launch of a new vendor- and LLM-agnostic generative AI platform, SUSE AI solutions. But what does that mean for businesses?

In a nutshell, SUSE AI solutions aims to help enterprises put their AI workloads into production securely and privately. The open source platform allows businesses to use their own models or open-weight foundation models like Meta’s Llama. With a focus on security and safety, SUSE wants to provide long-term support for open source users in enterprise settings.

SUSE’s CEO, Dirk-Peter van Leeuwen, and VP of AI, Pilar Santamaria, discussed the company’s vision to bring the infinite potential of open source to the enterprise. They believe that AI workloads are the next frontier for SUSE’s portfolio. And with a “tremendous uptick” in customers migrating from CentOS after Red Hat changed its development model, SUSE is well-positioned to capture this market.

However, SUSE has faced challenges in achieving brand recognition in the U.S. To address this, the company has focused on connecting its strong Rancher Kubernetes brand to the overall SUSE brand and attracting U.S. customers. Additionally, the AI industry is rapidly evolving, and SUSE will need to stay agile and innovative to remain competitive.

So, what do you think? Is SUSE AI solutions the right choice for your business? With its modular platform that allows users to select the vector database of their choice, it could be a game-changer for enterprise AI workloads. But only time will tell if SUSE can stay ahead of the curve in this ever-changing landscape. Source

“Snapchat Unveils Lightning-Fast Generative AI Model for AR Experiences: Lens Studio 5.0 Launches with Revolutionary Tools for Creators”

Snap’s new real-time, on-device image diffusion model for AR experiences is small enough to run on a smartphone and fast enough to re-render frames in real time, all guided by a text prompt. Pretty impressive, right? As a Snapchat user, you’ll start to see Lenses with this generative model in the coming months. But that’s not all – Snap is also bringing it to creators by the end of the year.

With the launch of Lens Studio 5.0, developers now have access to new generative AI tools that can help them create AR effects much faster than currently possible. AR creators can generate highly realistic ML face effects, custom stylization effects, 3D assets, characters, and face masks in minutes. Plus, there’s an AI assistant included in Lens Studio to answer any questions that AR creators may have.

Of course, the success of Snap’s new generative AI model will depend on the adoption rate by Snapchat users and AR creators. And while the company claims that the model is small and fast enough to run on a smartphone, only time will tell how well it performs in real-world conditions. But one thing’s for sure – this technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we experience AR.

So, what do you think? Will you be trying out Snap’s new generative model when it becomes available? And as a developer, are you excited about the new tools included in Lens Studio 5.0? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure – the world of AR is about to get even more interesting. Source

“Ex-OpenAI Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever Launches For-Profit Safe Superintelligence Inc., But Will Safety Stay Priority Amid Growing Interest?”

Ilya Sutskever, co-founder of OpenAI and former chief scientist, certainly has. That’s why he’s launched Safe Superintelligence Inc. (SSI), a new AI company aimed at building safe superintelligent AI systems.

Along with Daniel Gross, former Y Combinator partner, and Daniel Levy, ex-OpenAI engineer, Sutskever founded SSI with the goal of addressing the challenges of AI safety head-on. With offices in Palo Alto and Tel Aviv, SSI is actively hiring technical talent to join their mission.

But here’s where things get interesting. Unlike OpenAI, SSI is designed as a for-profit entity from the get-go. While this business model may insulate safety, security, and progress from short-term commercial pressures, it also raises concerns about the potential trade-offs between safety, ethics, and commercial interests.

Let’s not forget the departure of two leading figures from OpenAI’s AI safety team. Sutskever and Leike left OpenAI in May after a disagreement with leadership over how to approach AI safety. Leike now heads a team at rival AI shop Anthropic. The challenges of ensuring the responsible development of AI technology are real and complex.

So, what does this mean for SSI? With the interest in AI and the team’s impressive credentials, it’s likely that the company will soon be flush with capital. But can SSI maintain its focus on safety and capabilities while managing this influx of resources? Sutskever’s reluctance to discuss SSI’s funding situation or valuation adds to the mystery surrounding the company’s future.

It’s clear that SSI is entering uncharted territory in the world of AI development. While there are certainly reasons to be optimistic about the company’s potential, there are also valid concerns that need to be addressed. As SSI continues to forge ahead, it will be interesting to see how they navigate the complex landscape of AI safety and development. Source

“Huawei’s AI Chip Surge: A Game-Changer in China’s Server Market, Sparking Monopoly and Job Loss Concerns”

Huawei’s AI chips are making waves in China’s server market, and it seems they may return to assembling servers soon. This news sent shares of Digital China Group, a major server market player, tumbling.

Huawei’s computing business is divided into two product lines: Kunpeng for general servers and Ascend for AI computing. With this division, Huawei is positioning itself to provide comprehensive server solutions. It’s no surprise that many Chinese computer developers are eager to partner with Huawei. But here’s the catch – those who have collaborated with Huawei to deliver server solutions may soon find themselves mere “distributors” if Huawei decides to go solo.

Of course, this rapid growth in Huawei’s influence raises concerns about a potential monopolistic environment. Job losses in companies previously collaborating with Huawei are also possible if the tech giant opts for self-assembly. Additionally, data security and privacy concerns may arise as Huawei increases its dominance in the Chinese tech market.

In essence, Huawei’s success in the AI chip sector is enabling its re-entry into the server market. While this growth may be beneficial for Huawei, it is crucial to weigh the potential negative impacts on competition, employment, and data security in the Chinese tech market. After all, technology is a powerful tool, but it’s essential to consider its broader implications. Source

“Europe’s Battery Industry falters: Can it Break Free from Asian Dominance and US Subsidies?” With mining, refining, and complex energy solutions as the key!

Have you heard about Europe’s ambitious plan to compete with China and the US in the battery industry? Well, it seems like things are not going as smoothly as they hoped. Electric vehicle sales have hit the brakes, and big players like Volkswagen, Stellantis, and Mercedes-Benz are scaling back or refocusing their battery projects. So, what’s going on?

One reason is that Chinese manufacturers have a significant edge in battery production costs and next-generation technology. They’ve got a deep grip on the battery supply chain, especially when it comes to key minerals and cell components. Plus, the US is attracting battery companies with lucrative subsidies and tax breaks. Europe’s efforts to establish a battery value-chain are facing challenges due to bureaucracy, thin profit margins, and competition from Asian suppliers.

Now, here’s the thing. Europe has been investing in battery manufacturing, but the focus has been more on cell manufacturing than the mining and refining industries higher up the value chain. This approach may not be sufficient to create a self-sufficient battery industry. Additionally, new entrants face a challenging outlook due to excess battery manufacturing capacity worldwide.

So, what can Europe do? Instead of competing in areas where China has a cost advantage, it could focus on complex solutions to help cars access renewable energy. After all, the goal is to create a sustainable future for the automotive industry. If Europe fails to create its own EV battery industry, large parts of the automotive sector could shift to Asia. It’s time to rethink the strategy and find a way to secure a battery value-chain. But hey, that’s just my two cents. What do you think? Source

“Exclusive: Microsoft Wins Feud with Nvidia Over Custom Data Center Chip Installations”

The feud between Microsoft and Nvidia, two tech titans, has been simmering for months, as reported by The Information. The dispute centered around Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang’s strict control over chip allocation and installation, which Microsoft found unacceptable. The chipmaker’s insistence on dictating how GPUs should be installed in data centers sparked a standoff with Microsoft, who sought the flexibility to switch to different AI chips.

The disagreement over server racks lasted several weeks, escalating all the way to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s desk. Microsoft ultimately emerged victorious when Nvidia relented and agreed to let the tech giant design its own custom racks. Representatives for both companies have yet to comment on the matter.

This feud is significant, given that Nvidia recently surpassed Microsoft in market capitalization, becoming the world’s most valuable company. However, it’s worth noting that this dispute occurred behind closed doors and didn’t significantly impact the companies’ market values.

Key takeaways from this report include:

  • Microsoft and Nvidia’s feud over chip usage and installation in data centers
  • Nvidia’s attempts to control GPU installation led to a standoff with Microsoft
  • Microsoft desired flexibility to switch to different AI chips, while Nvidia preferred their specific chip installation method
  • The dispute lasted several weeks and reached Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s desk
  • Microsoft secured victory when Nvidia allowed them to design custom racks

While this report highlights tensions between two tech giants, it relies heavily on unnamed sources, making it difficult to verify the claims. Furthermore, the report lacks context on the frequency and impact of such disputes in the tech industry. Despite these limitations, the report underscores the importance of flexibility and customization in the tech industry and the potential consequences of overstepping boundaries.

So, dear reader, what do you make of this feud? Is it a sign of things to come in the tech industry, or just a blip on the radar? Only time will tell, but one thing is clear: the tech world is full of intrigue and complexities. Source

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