Weekly Scraps

week in a few words

2024 W19

“Microsoft Deploys GPT-4 in Air-Gapped Government Network: A Leap in Secure AI Processing or Static Limitation?”

Often I find myself pondering the implications of Microsoft’s latest move: unleashing a top-secret AI model, GPT-4, into a government-only network. This language model is essentially living in a digital ivory tower, processing confidential files without any hope of learning from the vast expanse of the internet. It’s like keeping a brilliant, yet socially awkward, genius in a soundproof room – fascinating, yet somewhat unfulfilling.

The Azure Government Top Secret cloud-hosted model is a first in the “major” Large Language Model (LLM) category, but it’s still awaiting accreditation before it can start assisting the Pentagon and other government organizations with their sensitive data. Until then, GPT-4 is merely a highly educated, yet isolated, guest at the “first-ever AI Expo for National Competitiveness” in Washington D.C.

But can an air-gapped AI model truly excel in processing top-secret information? It’s like asking a high-performance sports car to win a race without ever leaving the pit stop. And with the server still awaiting approval for top-secret use, one can’t help but wonder if this technology is merely government-sanctioned window dressing.

Despite these uncertainties, Microsoft’s announcement marks a significant stride in AI technology implementation in government operations. Now, we can only wait and see if GPT-4 will ever break free from its digital shackles and truly soar in the world of top-secret data processing. In the meantime, I invite you to explore the link and learn more about this fascinating, slightly forlorn AI model.


“US Revokes Huawei Export Licenses: A Protectionist Move Threatening US-China Trade Relations and Huawei Suppliers”

As I reflect on the ongoing tech Cold War between the US and China, I’m reminded of the latest twist in the saga: the US has revoked some export licenses for Huawei, the Chinese tech giant. This move comes hot on the heels of Huawei’s release of the AI-enabled MateBook X Pro laptop, which raised eyebrows among Republican lawmakers. The laptop’s Intel Core Ultra 9 processor, approved by the US Commerce Department, sparked controversy and raised questions about the US’s stance on tech exports.

The revocation is part of a years-long review of US policy on what goods and technology can be shipped to Huawei, which was placed on a US trade restriction list in 2019 due to national security concerns. Despite this, suppliers have received billions of dollars in licenses to sell goods to Huawei, including a contentious authorization issued by the Trump administration for Intel to ship central processors to Huawei for use in its laptops since 2020.

But Huawei’s not one to back down. Last August, they made headlines with a new phone powered by a sophisticated chip manufactured by Chinese chipmaker SMIC. This move helped Huawei smartphone sales surge 64 percent year on year in the first six weeks of 2024. (Talk about defying the odds!)

The US decision to revoke some export licenses for Huawei could further escalate tensions between the US and China, potentially damaging the fragile US-China trade relations. This move could also hurt US suppliers that have been doing business with Huawei, threatening their revenue and market share. But let’s not count Huawei out just yet. They’ve been known to surprise us with their innovative products, even when the odds are stacked against them. So, who knows what they’ll come up with next? Will they continue to defy the US restrictions and thrive in the Chinese market? Only time will tell.

In the meantime, buckle up for a wild ride as the US and China continue their tech tug-of-war. Will the US protect its businesses or promote free and fair trade? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure, it’s going to be an interesting show!


“Samsung Medison’s Sonio SAS Acquisition: Revolutionizing Prenatal Diagnostics with AI & Fostering Global Maternal Health Equity”

The medical tech world is about to experience a seismic shift, courtesy of the powerhouse partnership between Samsung Medison, the medical equipment giant, and Sonio SAS, the AI trailblazer in obstetrics and gynecology. Their collaboration has given birth to Sonio Detect, an FDA 510(k) cleared AI assistant that’s poised to revolutionize prenatal diagnostics. The ultimate goal? To set a new gold standard for accuracy, efficiency, and patient care, while tackling disparities in maternal healthcare worldwide.

But here’s the best part: Sonio’s AI magic is manufacturer-agnostic, seamlessly integrating with ultrasound devices from various vendors, making it a breeze for healthcare providers to incorporate this tech into their existing systems. And, as a bonus, Sonio will continue to innovate independently, with its R&D team pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

The future of healthcare has arrived, and it’s wearing a lab coat and a cape! AI is transforming the healthcare landscape, with applications spanning from emergency medicine to chronic disease management. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and we must address the ethical considerations, such as data privacyalgorithmic bias, and human oversight.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: monopolization fears. Fear not! Samsung’s commitment to maintaining Sonio’s autonomy in R&D should alleviate those concerns. And when the potential benefits include improving maternal healthcare outcomes, especially in underserved regions, it’s clear that this partnership is a win-win! Can we really afford to ignore the potential of AI in healthcare?


“Tesla’s Lidar Boost Amidst Autonomous Vehicle Investments: A Mixed Bag for Industry Players and Their Workforce”

The autonomous vehicle (AV) landscape is shifting gears, and we’re about to take a wild ride! The demand for Lidar technology is skyrocketing, thanks to Tesla’s insatiable appetite, which has given Luminar a nice revenue boost of over 10% in Q1 2024. But, hold on to your seats, because Motional, an AV startup, has just slammed the brakes on their robotaxi plans, pushing them back to 2026. What’s behind this sudden change of heart?

Motional’s putting the brakes on to focus on capital preservation and advancing their core technology. Unfortunately, this detour has left hundreds of employees in the dust. Ouch! But don’t count Motional out just yet. Hyundai’s recent $1 billion investment is a significant vote of confidence, and U.K. startup Wayve has just raised a whopping $1.05 billion in a Series C funding round led by SoftBank Group. That’s enough to make any startup do the happy dance!

Wayve’s unique self-learning approach for autonomous driving is turning heads, with plans to supply this tech to OEMs. With big-time players like Tesla, Hyundai, and SoftBank Group in the mix, the future of autonomous vehicles is looking bright, albeit a bit bumpy. The road to AV nirvana might be full of twists and turns, but the industry’s potential is undeniable. It’s a delicate dance between innovation and financial responsibility, and startups must tread carefully. After all, the fate of countless employees hangs in the balance. So, buckle up, keep those hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times, and enjoy the wild ride that is the autonomous vehicle industry! Can we really afford to slow down the pace of innovation in this space?


“Alibaba’s Tongyi Qianwen AI Models Power Innovative Applications for 90,000+ Corporate Clients, But Ethical Considerations Remain”

You’ve probably heard the buzz about Alibaba’s latest AI sensation, Tongyi Qianwen – or “Qwen” to those in the know. This AI powerhouse has already won over 90,000 corporate clients, including heavy-hitters like Xiaomi and Perfect World Games. And if that’s not impressive enough, a staggering 2.2 million users are leveraging Qwen-powered services through Alibaba’s DingTalk platform. But what makes Qwen so special, you ask? For starters, its capabilities have been significantly enhanced, allowing it to analyze food images and generate recipes – because, let’s be real, who has the time to scour the internet for recipes these days?

But Alibaba didn’t stop there. They’ve been busy refining Qwen’s capabilities, and the results are nothing short of remarkable. The latest iteration, Tongyi Qianwen 2.5, outperforms OpenAI’s GPT-4 in various Chinese language tasks. And, in a nod to the open-source community, Alibaba has released several models of varying sizes, including the cleverly named Qwen1.5-110B.

Now, you might be wondering, what’s the catch? Well, Alibaba’s lack of transparency regarding training data and ethical considerations is a bit of a concern. As we continue to rely on AI to streamline our workflows and generate recipes (because, priorities!), it’s essential we keep ethical considerations top of mind. After all, we wouldn’t want Qwen to become an AI supervillain (although, that would make for a compelling movie plot!).

So, if you’re feeling left out of the AI party, don’t be! Follow the link to learn more about Alibaba’s Qwen and how it can elevate your business. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility – let’s ensure we’re using AI for good.


“DEEPX Secures $80M in Funding: Unleashing the Potential of AI Chips with Cost-Efficient, Energy-Saving Solutions”

Let me introduce you DEEPX, the South Korean AI chip startup that’s making waves in the tech world! After securing a whopping $80 million in a Series C funding round, this company is poised to disrupt the market with its innovative hardware and software solutions for AI applications in electronic devices.

Founded in 2018 by CEO Lokwon Kim (whose impressive resume speaks for itself), DEEPX is gearing up to mass-produce its inaugural products, including the DX-V1DX-V3DX-M1, and DX-H1, for global distribution in late 2024. And if that’s not enough, they’re also expediting the development of their next-generation large language model (LLM) on-device solutions – think faster and more efficient AI processing.

So, what sets DEEPX apart from the competition? For starters, their cost and energy consumption efficiency is off the charts. And let’s not forget about their All-in-4 AI Total Solution, which offers comprehensive solutions for various AI applications – talk about a one-stop shop! With this solution, DEEPX is poised to revolutionize the way we approach AI integration in devices.

Of course, no company is without its critics. Some might point out that DEEPX doesn’t have any customers yet and is still working on mass-producing its first products. And with a competitive market that includes the likes of Hailo, SiMa.ai, and Axelera, DEEPX will have to work hard to differentiate itself and gain market share. But can they do it? We think so.

After all, the tech world loves a good underdog story, and with $80 million in funding and a valuation of $529 million, DEEPX is definitely one to watch. So why not follow the link and see what all the fuss is about? Trust us, you won’t be disappointed.


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