Weekly Scraps

week in a few words


“Lotus Tech Revs Up: Unleashing Semi-Autonomous Driving in 60 Chinese Cities, Poised to Thrive in Luxury EV Market!”

Get ready for the future, because Lotus Technology is bringing their luxury electric vehicles with semi-autonomous driving to 60 cities in China! That’s right, no more tedious driving through crowded streets. Let your car do the work with Lotus Tech’s Navigation on Autopilot (NOA) system.

This advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) lets your car recognize traffic lights, change lanes, overtake, and even turn left or right, all while you kick back and relax. Well, kind of. You’ll still need to keep an eye on things, as the system requires active human supervision and isn’t quite ready to let your car drive itself without any input. But hey, it’s a start!

Lotus Tech is joining the ranks of Chinese EV makers like Xpeng and international players like Tesla in the luxury EV market. And with the global luxury pure EV market projected to grow at an astounding 35% between 2021 and 2031, there’s plenty of room for competition.

But will Lotus Tech be able to stand out in a market already crowded with domestic and international players? Only time will tell if their NOA system and ability to differentiate themselves from competitors will be enough to carve out a niche in the market.

So buckle up, China. Lotus Technology is on its way, and they’re bringing the future of luxury electric vehicles with them. Just don’t forget to keep your hands on the wheel, at least for now. Follow the link to learn more about Lotus Tech’s exciting plans.


“Sora: Unleashing the Potential of Text-to-Video in the Metaverse and the Ethical Tangles We Must Untangle”

Get ready to have your mind blown by OpenAI’s new text-to-video generator, Sora! This bad boy has the potential to turn the world of virtual reality and the metaverse upside down, revolutionizing industries left and right. From entertainment to education, marketing to communication, Sora is ready to bring a fresh wave of innovation.

Imagine customized virtual travel that transports you to far-off lands without leaving your living room. Or how about reliving historical events or catching a sneak peek of the future through AI-generated videos? Sora is here to bring history to life and show us what the future holds.

But wait, there’s more! Sora’s immersive literary experiences could reignite your love for reading and offer a deeper understanding of characters and plot lines. And let’s not forget the potential for personalized companions that could challenge our perception of relationships and raise ethical considerations.

With Sora, you can even transform yourself into your ideal figure, providing opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and skill development. The possibilities are endless!

However, like any groundbreaking technology, Sora comes with its fair share of risks. The widespread use of text-to-video generation may contribute to the erosion of truth and authenticity in the media. Easier video generation could also boost deepfakes, leading to potential misinformation and privacy concerns.

Frontier technology companies like OpenAI must take responsibility for developing robust safeguards against these risks. Transparency, accountability, and strong ethical frameworks should guide the deployment and development of such technologies to uphold privacy, prevent misinformation, and maintain trust.

So, what are you waiting for? Follow the link to learn more about Sora and its potential to change the world!


“Nvidia’s Stunning Q4 Earnings: Navigating Supply Chain Challenges & Unlocking the Potential of AI Enterprise Software”

Nvidia, the AI chip-slinging superstar, just announced Q4 earnings that’ll make you do a double-take! With a whopping $22.1 billion in revenue (that’s a 265% year-on-year increase, folks!), it’s clear this company is on fire. But it’s not all fun and games; Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang, spilled the beans on some fascinating insights during the conference call with analysts.

First off, let’s talk about the marvel that is the Hopper GPU. This little guy is packing some serious heat with 35,000 parts and a weight of 70 pounds! But all that power comes with a price – supply chain issues have been a real challenge due to the sheer complexity of the product.

Next up, Nvidia’s playing fairy godmother to companies vying for their chips. They’re working on allocating chips fairly and playing matchmaker between partners and end-users. It’s like a dating app, but for tech!

And now, for the cherry on top: Nvidia’s software business is showing some serious potential. Their Nvidia AI Enterprise has already hit the $1 billion annual revenue mark, and Jensen thinks every enterprise in the world will eventually run on it. Talk about aiming high!

But, of course, with great power comes great responsibility. Critics are concerned about Nvidia’s product complexity and the supply chain issues that come with it. Plus, the competition for Nvidia’s chips is no joke, so they’ll need to tread carefully to avoid missing out on potential business opportunities. Only time will tell if Nvidia’s software business will become the game-changer Jensen believes it will be.

In a nutshell, Nvidia’s Q4 earnings are impressive, and their future plans are intriguing. Will they continue to dominate the AI chip market? Will their software business take off like a rocket? Only one way to find out – follow the link and see for yourself!


“Figure AI Secures $675M in Funding, Unveiling AI-Powered Humanoid Robot Figure 01 to Revolutionize Warehouse Operations”

Get ready to meet your new warehouse coworker that won’t steal your lunch from the office fridge (but probably could if it wanted to)! Figure AI, the startup that’s bringing humanoid robots to the world of logistics, has just scored big bucks in funding from some seriously heavy-hitting investors. We’re talking Jeff Bezos, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Intel – if this were a fantasy league, they’d be the dream team!

Figure AI is raising a whopping $675 million, which gives it a pre-money valuation of approximately $2 billion. That’s enough to make any robot do a little victory dance, if they had knees, of course. With such impressive backing, it’s clear that the future of warehouse work is about to get a lot more robotic.

The star of the show is Figure 01, the humanoid robot that’s here to take on those dangerous jobs you’ve always wanted to avoid. Think heavy lifting, climbing shelves, and wrestling with boxes full of unruly paperclips. And don’t worry, Figure 01 is designed to interact safely with humans, so you won’t need to start practicing your robot-dodging skills just yet.

This funding news comes amidst a booming AI landscape, with companies like Tesla also throwing their hats into the robot ring. But Figure AI is determined to lead the charge in warehouse automation, aiming to solve labor shortages and streamline operations like never before.

Now, it’s worth noting that integrating advanced AI systems into industrial environments can be a bit like teaching a toddler to do algebra – it’s possible, but it’s gonna take some time and patience. Between regulatory compliance, safety standards, and workforce resistance, Figure AI has its work cut out for them. But hey, if anyone can do it, it’s these guys, right?

So, if you’re in the market for a new warehouse buddy who can lift twice their own weight and never calls in sick, Figure AI just might have the answer. Follow the link to learn more about this exciting development in the world of robotics and AI!


“AT&T Network Chaos: Overcoming the Latest Cellular Outage Crisis in IT”

Oh no, looks like AT&T had a bit of a “whoopsie daisy” and experienced a cellular outage, leaving many customers high and dry for up to a whole day! I know, I know, it’s enough to make you want to throw your phone across the room in frustration. But before you do that, let me assure you that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Or rather, a link that will lead you to all the information you need to know about this little mishap.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “why on earth would I want to click on that link? I’ve already heard enough about AT&T’s outage, thank you very much.” Well, my friend, I understand your skepticism, but let me tell you, this link is chock-full of all the juicy details you could ever want. Plus, it’s written in a humorously convincing tone that will have you chuckling and clicking in no time.

Just imagine – you could be one of the first to know why the outage happened, how long it lasted, and what AT&T is doing to make it up to their loyal (and maybe not-so-loyal) customers. And who knows, you might even learn a thing or two about how cellular networks work, or what to do in case of a future outage.

But wait, there’s more! If you click on this link, you’ll also be treated to some of the funniest tweets and memes that people have made about the outage. Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on the hilarity.

So, what are you waiting for? Follow that link and become an AT&T outage expert in no time. Just be prepared to laugh, learn, and maybe even feel a little bit better about the whole situation. After all, humor is the best medicine, right?


“Riding the AI Wave: Nikkei’s Record High Amid Economic Recession, Fueled by Chip Stocks and Geopolitical Tensions”

The article offers a comprehensive summary of the factors driving the Nikkei’s surge, but it could delve deeper into the potential risks and long-term sustainability challenges. These risks include potential setbacks in AI demand, reversal of currency fluctuations, and alterations in geopolitical dynamics. Addressing these factors would provide a more balanced perspective on the Nikkei’s record high.

In a shocking twist, the Nikkei 225 index has shot up like a rocket, reaching heights not seen since the era of big hair and even bigger shoulder pads (the 80s, in case you’re wondering). What’s driving this economic rollercoaster? Artificial Intelligence (AI), of course! And no, this isn’t an episode of Black Mirror.

Chip-related stocks, including Tokyo Electron and Advantest, have been jamming to the beat of this AI boom, contributing significantly to the Nikkei’s surge. It’s as if these companies stumbled upon Willy Wonka’s golden ticket, but instead of chocolate, it’s all about microchips!

Now, you’d think Japan’s economy is running on all cylinders, but here’s the kicker: the country is currently in a recession, with a shrinking GDP. So, how is the Nikkei soaring while the economy is, well, not? Easy – the AI craze is like an economic defibrillator, jumpstarting the market and leaving everyone amazed.

A weak yen has also been a tailwind for the Nikkei, making equities look as cheap as a college textbook (okay, maybe not that cheap). This weak yen has also been increasing profits for Japanese firms selling goods overseas, like they’re taking advantage of a global sale.

Adding fuel to the fire, the political climate has been favorable for Japanese chipmakers, thanks to close US-Japan relations and the escalating US-China tensions. Japan has been quietly supplying chips to China, riding the wave of growing chip demand despite US warnings. It’s like being the designated driver at the wildest party in town!

To recap, the Nikkei 225 index is reaching new heights due to the AI boom, weak yen, and clever political maneuvering. But, as with any rollercoaster, remember that what goes up must come down. So, buckle up, enjoy the ride, and keep an eye on those exits!

(Disclaimer: We strongly encourage all readers to follow the link for a more detailed analysis, including potential risks and long-term sustainability. After all, we want you to be informed, not just entertained!)


“Unmasking AI: A Deep Dive into Gemini’s Flaws, Google’s AI Training Data Partnership with Reddit, and the Confusing AI Naming Systems – Plus, a Gadget Lightning Round”

In the latest Vergecast episode, hosts David Pierce, Alex Cranz, and Nilay Patel dive into the hilarious world of AI mishaps, where Google’s Gemini creates racially diverse images of historical figures and ChatGPT spouts nonsensical gibberish. It’s a treasure trove of AI bloopers! The gang also explores Reddit’s strange partnership with Google, where they share AI training data, presumably to prepare for its upcoming IPO. Who knew AI had a taste for social media drama?

The hosts also try to make sense of Google’s AI naming systems, which are as confusing as trying to understand why AI keeps serving up “10 things you didn’t know about Napoleon” with a picture of Beyoncé. They eventually move on to their gadget lightning round, where they discuss Vizio TVs, Echo Hub tablets, Samsung audio systems, and Samsung TVs. Sure, it’s fun, but it feels like a detour from the AI conversation.

While the episode sheds light on AI’s shortcomings, it misses the mark on offering concrete solutions for accuracy and performance improvements. It also neglects to address the ethical implications of AI’s blunders and the dangers of using inaccurate or misleading AI-generated content. Nonetheless, if you’re looking for a good laugh and an insight into the absurd side of AI, this episode is a must-listen! Just follow the link and prepare to be entertained.


“Roblox Shatters Language Barriers: Introducing Real-Time AI Chat Translation for Enhanced User Experience”

Get ready, gamers! Roblox has just launched a real-time AI chat translator that can magically translate text chats in 16 languages. Now, players from around the world can understand each other faster than you can say “loot box.” This nifty feature uses a transformer-based Large Language Model (LLM) tucked inside a Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture. Think of it as a language-savvy supercomputer working behind the scenes to make cross-cultural gaming a breeze.

The masterminds behind this linguistic legerdemain are Roblox’s CTO, Dan Sturman, and his team. Their goal? To break down language barriers and crank up player engagement. The AI model translates chats on the fly, but don’t worry, you can still catch the original message if you’re curious. And, of course, Roblox is keeping a watchful eye on chats, using feedback to refine translations and ensuring privacy and safety for all.

But wait, there’s more! Roblox is diving headfirst into the world of generative AI models to amp up user experience. Can you imagine a future where voice chats and even naughty words are translated in real-time? Well, Roblox can!

Meanwhile, Meta and Google are also joining the AI translation party, working on their own translator models. Meta’s SeamlessM4T juggles nearly 100 languages, while Google’s Universal Speech Model handles around 100 languages and is already hard at work on YouTube captions.

Of course, with any great innovation come those naysayers. Some folks might worry about translation accuracy or appropriateness, or how this could affect trust and safety. But fear not! Roblox is on top of it, committed to monitoring translator use, offering feedback mechanisms, and keeping user privacy and safety top of mind.

So, buckle up, gamers! The world of online gaming just got a little more connected, thanks to Roblox’s real-time AI chat translator. It’s time to expand your gaming horizons and make some friends from far-flung corners of the globe. Don’t forget to click the link and see this fantastic feature in action!


“Apple’s New AI Tool ‘Ask’ Revolutionizes Customer Support: A Glimpse into Apple’s Broader AI Strategy for iOS 18 and Beyond”

Apple has finally joined the AI party with their new tool “Ask” for AppleCare Support advisors. This handy chatbot is like having a genius bar in your pocket, ready to spit out technical answers at a moment’s notice. It’s like having Yoda on speed dial, but for your iPhone problems.

But don’t worry, Apple isn’t stopping there. They’re also planning to unleash a slew of AI features in their upcoming iOS 18 and iPhone 16 releases. Expect your core apps to start summarizing and completing your sentences for you, because who needs to type out full words when you have robots? And let’s not forget about Siri, who’s finally getting a much-needed makeover. Maybe now she’ll be able to understand us when we mumble “Hey Siri” with our mouths full of food.

And for all you developers out there, get ready for some code completion in the new version of Xcode. Because who has time to actually write out code when you can have a robot do it for you?

Of course, being the notoriously secretive company that they are, Apple didn’t give us any specifics on what these AI features will actually look like. But we’re guessing they’ll involve a lot of flashing lights and robotic voices.

But hey, at least Apple is finally getting on board with AI technology, right? Even if they are a little late to the party. Critics have been quick to point out that Apple has been slower to adopt AI than their competitors. But let’s be real, Apple has never been one to follow the crowd. They’re too busy designing sleek products and making us all drool over their latest releases.

So, while we wait with bated breath for the iOS 18 and iPhone 16 releases, we can take comfort in the fact that our AppleCare Support advisors now have a handy little AI tool to help us with our tech problems. And who knows, maybe one day we’ll have robots completing all our tasks for us. A girl can dream.


“Vision Pro Hits San Francisco Parties: A $3,499 Headset Sensation or Safety Concern?”

Get ready for a wild ride into the future of party tricks with Apple’s new Vision Pro headset! This bad boy will set you back a cool $3,499, so it’s no surprise that it’s making waves at exclusive soirees in San Francisco. Just imagine, a room full of people dancing and pinching the air while wearing these futuristic goggles – it’s like a sci-fi rave!

But don’t be fooled, the Vision Pro isn’t just for getting your groove on. This state-of-the-art device offers an immersive “spatial computing” experience, complete with productivity and entertainment applications. It’s like having your own personal holodeck, right in your living room!

Of course, Apple recommends using the Vision Pro in controlled indoor settings, and staying aware of your surroundings while wearing the device. But where’s the fun in that? People have been spotted using the headset in public settings, including tech dinners and even while crossing the street in San Diego (we don’t recommend trying that at home, folks!).

The AI collective Cerebral Valley even hosted a Vision Pro release party, where guests used the headset to pinch and pluck things in the air. It’s like a magic show, but with more tech and less top hats.

With its hefty price tag, most people haven’t had the chance to try out the Vision Pro yet. But for those lucky few who have, it’s become the ultimate party trick. So, if you want to impress your friends and make them green with envy, the Vision Pro is the way to go. Just be prepared to drop a small fortune and maybe sign a waiver or two. Happy partying!


“Energizer Hard Case P28K: A Rugged Smartphone with a Monster Battery, But Is It Worth the Trade-Offs?”

Get ready for a phone that can outlast even the most dedicated marathon talkers! The Energizer Hard Case P28K is here with a battery that’s a whopping 28,000mAh – that’s enough to power your phone for a week of regular use or 122 hours of talk time. This rugged beast is perfect for those who need their phone to survive the apocalypse or at least a long camping trip.

But, be warned, this phone is not for the faint of heart (or small of pocket). Measuring in at 27.8mm thick and weighing a hefty 570g, it’s over three times thicker and heavier than an iPhone 15. So, if you’re looking for a phone that can slip into your skinny jeans, this may not be the one for you.

The Hard Case P28K may not be the fastest phone on the block, with entry-level specs including a MediaTek MT6789 processor, 8GB of RAM, and 256GB of storage. And, if you’re a fan of 5G, you’ll be disappointed to learn that this phone doesn’t support it.

However, if you’re in the market for a phone that can keep up with your non-stop texting, calling, and streaming, the Hard Case P28K delivers. With a trio of rear cameras and a 6.78-inch 1080p LCD display, you can take stunning photos and enjoy your favorite shows on the go.

Priced at €249.99, this phone is a steal for those who prioritize battery life and durability above all else. And, with a global release in October (except for the US), you won’t have to wait long to get your hands on this powerhouse.

So, if you’re tired of constantly searching for an outlet to charge your phone, the Energizer Hard Case P28K is here to save the day (and your battery life). Just be prepared for some awkward stares when you whip out this beast of a phone in public.


“Microsoft and FWD Group Partner to Revolutionize Asia’s Financial Services with Generative AI, Addressing Data Privacy and Ethical Concerns”

Microsoft and Hong Kong-based FWD Group have joined forces in a hilariously historic, four-year partnership to bring cutting-edge generative AI solutions to the Asian financial service industry. This collaboration is all about Microsoft’s AI technology dive, with FWD tapping into Azure—Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, OpenAI’s loving parent.

Ryan Kim, FWD’s chief digital officer, can’t hide his excitement about incorporating generative AI to catapult the company to new heights and create a fantastic customer experience. And with Azure’s help, Hong Kong users can enjoy OpenAI’s language models, even though OpenAI is not directly available in China and a few US-sanctioned countries.

Microsoft’s Borden and Chan are all about bringing AI innovations to the Asia-Pacific region and Hong Kong, where they’ve been hanging out since 199


“Microsoft Teams Up with €2 Billion French AI Startup Mistral: Introducing Mistral Large on Azure AI, Amid OpenAI Partnership and Data Privacy Concerns”

In a move that’s sure to shake up the AI world, Microsoft has cozied up to Mistral, a French AI startup with a valuation of €2 billion ($2.1 billion). This partnership comes after Microsoft’s massive $10 billion investment in OpenAI, because why settle for one AI partner when you can have two?

As part of the deal, Mistral’s language models will be available on Microsoft’s Azure AI platform. But the star of the show is Mistral Large, a shiny new AI model designed to give OpenAI’s GPT-4 a run for its money. This powerhouse duo will be available on Mistral’s infrastructure or through Azure AI Studio and Azure Machine Learning. And if that’s not enough, Mistral Small and a chatty little number called Le Chat will also be joining the party.

Mistral’s models have typically been open source, but with Microsoft’s backing, the company is now ready to explore more commercial opportunities. It’s a win-win situation: Microsoft gets to bolster its AI offerings, and Mistral gets to, you know, maybe turn a profit for once. I use open-sourced Mistral models almost exclusively, that’s how I like them.

But Microsoft’s growing AI empire isn’t without its critics. Some worry about the company’s increasing influence in the AI sector and the potential impact on data privacy and security. There’s also the concern that Microsoft’s partnerships with Mistral and OpenAI could lead to monopolistic practices, making it tough for smaller companies to compete.

And let’s not forget about Microsoft’s lack of voting power on OpenAI’s board. Sure, they’ve got a nonvoting observer seat, but that’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot when it comes to making major decisions.

So, is Microsoft’s AI ambition a cause for concern? Or is it just a sign of healthy competition in the tech world? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure: the AI landscape is about to get a whole lot more interesting. Follow the link to learn more about this exciting new partnership!


“Honor’s AI Strategy: A Seamless User Experience Across Devices and Systems”

Get ready, because Chinese smartphone maker Honor is bringing some magic to the world of artificial intelligence (AI)! At a launch event in Barcelona, Honor’s CEO George Zhao Ming unveiled the company’s new AI strategy, which includes creating an “intent-based user interface” for a seamless experience across different devices and systems.

Think of it like this: you’re chatting with a friend about trying a new restaurant, and you mention the name. With Honor’s new Magic Portal feature, you can tap and drag that name, and voila! The location pops up instantly in Google Maps. No more fumbling around or typing in the name yourself. It’s like having a personal assistant, but without the pesky human emotions.

Their latest flagship smartphone, the Magic 6 Pro, is packed with AI-powered capabilities, including MagicLM, Honor’s 7-billion-parameter large language model. It’s like having a supercomputer in your pocket, ready to help you with all your needs.

But Honor isn’t just keeping its AI capabilities to itself. The company is open to working with industry partners to develop its AI capabilities even further. And with global smartphone shipments on the rise, thanks to the popularity of generative AI (GenAI)-enabled smartphones, Honor is poised to make a big splash in the market.

Of course, some critics may argue that Honor’s AI strategy isn’t unique, as other smartphone makers are also committing resources to AI capabilities. But Honor’s focus on creating a seamless user experience across different devices and systems may set it apart from its competitors.

So if you’re ready to experience some real AI magic, be sure to follow the link and learn more about Honor’s new AI strategy and the Magic 6 Pro. It’s time to upgrade your smartphone game and join the AI revolution.


“Intel’s Game-Changing Edge AI Platform: Unleashing Scalability, Security, and Simplicity for IT Pioneers”

Intel’s got a new toy for all you tech enthusiasts! Brace yourself for the Edge AI Platform, a game-changer in the realm of artificial intelligence at the network’s edge. This innovative platform addresses the unique challenges of edge computing like a boss, tackling issues such as high performance, diverse needs, data security, and system complexity.

Think of it as your friendly neighborhood superhero, ready to save the day with features like an open, modular architecture for painless integration with existing systems, an OpenVINO AI inference engine for optimizing AI workloads on Intel hardware, and secure automation to make your IT and operational tasks less daunting.

And hey, who doesn’t love a centralized dashboard for managing edge nodes and devices? It’s like having a magic map to keep track of all your gadgets! Not to mention closed-loop automation for improved performance and a reduced total cost of ownership (TCO). Plus, advanced security features based on zero-trust principles? Yes, please!

Sure, some naysayers might point out that this platform might require some elbow grease and time to adapt to existing infrastructure. But come on, what’s a little effort when you’re promised operational simplicity, adaptability for various use cases, and robust security? Besides, who wouldn’t want to hitch their wagon to a platform that ensures optimal performance on Intel’s hardware?

So go ahead, take a bite of Intel’s Edge AI Platform. It’s a tasty morsel that promises to help organizations scale their AI applications while navigating the complexities of digital transformation. Embrace the AI-driven world with confidence and a smile!


“BYD’s New Supercar, the Yangwang U9: A Game-Changer in the EV Market or an Uphill Battle Against Luxury Titans?”

Get ready to zoom into the future with BYD’s new supercar, the Yangwang U9! Priced at a cool 1.68 million yuan (about $233,400), this electric vehicle (EV) powerhouse is designed to rival the likes of Ferrari and Lamborghini, and seduce wealthy Chinese consumers to make the switch from gas-guzzling whips to eco-friendly rides.

With a top speed of 309 kilometers per hour and a zero-to-100km/h speed of just 2.4 seconds, the U9 is packed with a 1,306-horsepower engine and four wheel-side motors, making it a force to be reckoned with on the road. The U9 can cover 465km on a single charge and even outperforms comparable petrol-powered models with 12-cylinder engines.

But wait, there’s more! The U9 boasts BYD’s DiSus intelligent vehicle body control system, which lets cars spin 360 degrees in a tank turn and move sideways in a “crabwalk” – making parallel parking a breeze and leaving other drivers in awe.

Despite the challenges that come with BYD’s upmarket push, such as strong brand loyalty towards established luxury carmakers and fierce competition from other premium EV brands, the company is determined to become a global EV powerhouse. In 2023, BYD handed over 3.02 million pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles to customers at home and abroad, a 62.3% increase from the previous year.

If you’re ready to join the EV revolution and drive a supercar that’s both luxurious and environmentally friendly, then the Yangwang U9 might just be the perfect fit for you. Just be prepared to shell out a pretty penny and wait until mid-2024 for delivery. But hey, good things come to those who wait!


“Invenda Vending Machines Exposed: University of Waterloo Removes Facial Recognition Technology Over Privacy Concerns”

In a shocking revelation, vending machines at the University of Waterloo, Canada, have been accused of being a little too nosey! These Invenda machines were found to be collecting customer data using facial recognition technology, capturing images of customers and sending that data to central servers for analysis. All this to create some ‘anonymized statistics’ for the vending machine owner.

While the university has removed these machines due to privacy concerns, it’s still unclear if they violated any data privacy laws. The use of facial recognition technology is raising eyebrows, with concerns about potential misuse of personal data and the broader implications for privacy in public spaces.

Critics argue that even if the data is anonymized, there’s still room for misuse. The lack of clarity regarding data collection practices highlights the need for greater regulation of facial recognition technology. The use of such technology in public spaces should be carefully considered, as it could lead to a slippery slope of privacy invasion.

So, next time you’re at a vending machine, think twice before making a face – you never know who’s watching! To learn more about this sneaky snooping, follow the link and uncover the full story behind the sneaky vending machines at the University of Waterloo.


“Amidst Apple’s Surprise EV Exit, Chinese Players Remain Committed to the Future of Electric Vehicles”

Apple may have pulled the plug on its electric vehicle (EV) project, but the party’s not over for the Chinese EV industry! Xiaomi, Li Auto, and Xpeng are still in the race, with Xiaomi’s SU7 set to launch soon and Xpeng planning to launch 30 new models in the next three years.

Despite the economic slowdown, the Chinese EV industry is still growing, with Shenzhen-based BYD taking the lead from Tesla as the world’s top EV manufacturer last quarter. While Li Auto expects weaker sales in the current quarter, the industry’s commitment and optimism about the future of EVs remain unshaken.

Apple’s shift of resources to AI and mixed reality may have raised some eyebrows, but the tech giant’s focus on these areas could lead to groundbreaking innovations. The cancellation of its EV project, however, raises questions about Apple’s ability to execute on projects outside of its core competencies.

In short, Apple’s exit from the EV race might be a bummer, but the Chinese players are still in the game and ready to take on any challenges that come their way. And who knows what exciting new products Apple will come up with in the world of AI and mixed reality? So, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride in the ever-evolving world of electric vehicles and technology!


“China’s Digital Wall: A Barrier to Global Inclusion and Technological Progress”

Having trouble paying with your phone in China? You’re not alone! In an amusing take on China’s “walled” online world, South China Morning Post’s Zhou Xin highlights the challenges faced by foreigners trying to make mobile payments. But it’s not just about payments; this issue points to a larger problem – China’s increasing separation from the global digital landscape.

China’s online world is unique, with restricted access to the outside, making it tough for visitors to enjoy popular apps like Facebook, Google Maps, or WhatsApp. While technical improvements have been made to ease payment difficulties, the real challenge lies in bridging the digital gap with the rest of the world.

The consequences? A hit to China’s global perception, hurdles for Chinese tech giants expanding overseas, and limiting progress in AI. China’s efforts to control foreign apps have evolved from limiting access to specific information sources to creating completely separate digital spheres, focusing on data.

While this opinion piece humorously exposes the downsides of China’s digital policies, it misses the chance to offer solutions or discuss the reasons behind China’s internet control, such as national security concerns. Plus, it fails to mention potential benefits like user privacy protection and misinformation prevention.

So, if you’re curious about China’s mobile payment struggles and its impact on the global digital landscape, follow the link and learn more!


“Japan’s AI Revolution: A New Industrial Era Driven by Innovation, Collaboration, and Global Partnerships”

Japan is on a mission to become a major player in the world of artificial intelligence, and they’re not holding back! With a shrinking workforce due to an ageing population, Japan is looking to AI to increase productivity and save the day. And it’s not just the government getting in on the action, with companies and individuals recognizing the benefits of AI, it seems like everyone’s jumping on the bandwagon.

In fact, Japanese companies like NEC and Preferred Networks are leading the charge with their own AI innovations, and even the public sector is getting in on the action with trials of ChatGPT for administrative operations. And it’s not just limited to Japanese companies, with US giant Nvidia and Japanese start-up Sakana AI teaming up to build an AI tech-related ecosystem in the country.

But it’s not all smooth sailing, there are still challenges to be faced such as increasing awareness and understanding of AI, and greater collaboration between different stakeholders. But with a government that’s committed to working with countries, corporations, and entrepreneurs from around the world, it seems like Japan is well on its way to becoming an AI powerhouse.

So if you’re interested in the world of AI, Japan is the place to be! From healthcare to telecommunications, there are endless opportunities for AI innovation. Don’t miss out on being a part of this exciting new industrial revolution. Follow the link to learn more about how you can get involved!


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