Weekly Scraps

week in a few words

2023 W51

Tech Trends Newsletter

MongoDB’s Security Incident: Customer Data at Risk

MongoDB, a leader in database management, recently reported a security breach impacting customer account metadata. The breach, discovered on December 8, 2022, raises concerns over the exposure of sensitive information like email addresses and phone numbers. Read More

What You Need to Know:

  • Immediate Response: MongoDB has notified affected customers and is advising on protective measures.
  • Third-Party Involvement: The breach was linked to a third-party service provider, spotlighting potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Commitment to Transparency: Despite criticism over disclosure details, MongoDB emphasizes its dedication to customer communication and preventive measures.

Apple’s New Subscription Bundle Promotion

Apple is set to launch a new promotion offering discounted bundles of its subscription services. Starting January 24th, this initiative reflects Apple’s strategy to boost subscription revenues and enhance user engagement. Read More

Bundle Options:

  • Family Sharing Plus: Apple Music, Apple TV+, and 200GB iCloud storage at $19.95/month.
  • Premier Bundle: Adds Apple Fitness+ for $24.95/month.
  • VIP Bundle: Includes a year’s subscription to The New York Times for $32.95/month.


  • Impact on New Customers: Potential discouragement from individual subscriptions.
  • Value and Retention: Ensuring standalone value in each service to prevent subscription churn.

Expedia Embraces Generative AI for Enhanced Travel Planning

Expedia is integrating generative AI technology to revolutionize travel planning, aiming for heightened personalization and convenience. This technology will be applied across search results, recommendations, landing pages, and dynamic packaging. Read More

AI Implementation:

  • Personalized Search Results: Tailored to individual preferences and history.
  • Customized Recommendations: Based on user behavior patterns.
  • Dynamic Packaging: Offers customized travel packages.


  • User Privacy: Potential risks in handling personal data.
  • Cost Implications: Questions about affordability for smaller travel websites.

NYC Councilwoman Susan Zhang on AI and Language Barriers

Susan Zhang, the newly elected New York City Councilwoman, shares her insights on the potential of AI in bridging language gaps. Fluent in Mandarin and English, Zhang highlights AI’s role in language learning and translation, while acknowledging concerns about cultural nuances and data privacy. Read More

Key Points:

  • AI in Translation: Enhancing communication for non-English speakers.
  • Data Privacy and Cybersecurity: Emphasizing the need for regulatory frameworks.
  • Technology for Social Justice: Advocating for responsible AI use.

Apple Watch Sales Ban in US: Qualcomm’s Patent Dispute Escalates

Business Insider

Key Developments:

  • ITC Ban: Importation and sales of certain Apple Watch models banned in the US.
  • Qualcomm’s Complaint: Patent infringement case filed by Qualcomm.
  • Technology at Stake: Patent covers a feature for faster wireless data transfers.
  • Impact: Ban affects Apple’s domestic and international sales.
  • Apple’s Response: Plans to appeal and develop non-infringing designs.
  • Financial Implications: Potential revenue loss for Apple.
  • Consumer Impact: Current Apple Watch owners not directly affected.

Critics’ Viewpoint:

  • Concerns over the complexity of the patent system.
  • Timing of the decision’s impact on Apple’s holiday season sales.
  • Debate over the breadth of Qualcomm’s patent.

Tesla’s Shanghai Leap: Megapack Energy Storage Battery Plant

South China Morning Post

Key Highlights:

  • New Facility: Tesla’s fifth overseas, third in Asia.
  • Joint Venture: Collaboration with Shanghai Municipal Government.
  • Megapack System: Stores and discharges renewable energy.
  • Production Goals: Initial output of 100 MWh per year.
  • Localizing Production: Aims to reduce carbon footprint.

Critics’ Concerns:

  • Debate over Tesla’s focus on battery factories vs. EV production.
  • Environmental and labor conditions scrutiny.
  • Potential market competition and geopolitical tensions.

Europe’s Smart Railway Revolution: Huawei-Powered Terminal in Hungary

South China Morning Post


  • Innovation Hub: First smart railway terminal in Szentlőrinc, Hungary.
  • Collaboration: MÁV and DB Schenker.
  • Technology: Huawei’s 5G, IoT sensors, AI algorithms.
  • Advantages: Remote operations, increased efficiency.
  • Future Blueprint: Expansion plans across Europe.

Critics’ Perspective:

  • Security concerns with Huawei’s involvement.
  • Geopolitical implications.

US Enhances National Security: Focusing on Chip Supply-Chain

South China Morning Post

Key Points:

  • CHIPS for America Act: $52 billion incentives for domestic production.
  • Intelligence Sharing: Collaboration with TSMC, Samsung, Intel.
  • Research Investment: Semiconductors.gov and NIST involvement.

Critics’ View:

  • Potential harm to international partnerships.
  • Risk of technological tensions and chip price increases.
  • Concerns over complete resolution of semiconductor shortages.

Beijing’s Web3 Ambitions Amid Cryptocurrency Ban

South China Morning Post


  • Web3 Development: Focus on secure blockchain infrastructure.
  • Regulatory Framework: Standards for legal blockchain use.
  • Cryptocurrency Stance: Continued crackdown on mining and trading.

Critics’ Take:

  • Lack of clarity in balancing blockchain interest with crypto ban.
  • Concerns over stifling blockchain innovation.

UK Supreme Court: AI Cannot Hold Patents

South China Morning Post


  • Legal Ruling: AI systems not eligible as patent inventors.
  • Case Background: Stephen Thaler’s AI, DABUS.
  • Global Patent Laws: Requirement for human inventors.

Critics’ Perspective:

  • Debate over AI’s role in innovation.
  • Call for modernizing patent laws to include AI-generated inventions.

AI in the Workforce: Brian Solis’s Optimistic Outlook


Key Insights:

  • Job Market Evolution: AI-induced job losses and creation.
  • Human Adaptability: Emphasis on creativity and critical thinking.
  • Reskilling Focus: Importance of workforce training.

Critics’ Concerns:

  • Risk of rapid job loss outpacing new job creation.
  • Challenges in equitable access to reskilling resources.

AI Transforming Construction Safety

Business Insider

Important Developments:

  • Risk Prediction: AI analyzes data for accident prevention.
  • Predictive Maintenance: AI alerts for equipment attention.
  • Training Enhancement: AI-powered chatbots for worker safety.

Critics’ Viewpoint:

  • Concerns over job automation.
  • Need for reliable data and infrastructure in chaotic construction sites.

Xfinity Data Breach: Comcast’s Security Challenge


Key Information:

  • Breach Details: Unauthorized access to Citrix server.
  • Customer Impact: 10.8 million potentially affected.
  • Response: Free identity theft protection services offered.

Critics’ Angle:

  • Questions over delayed breach disclosure.
  • Concerns about the extent of data exposure.

EU’s AI Aspiration: €1 Billion Supercomputing Investment



  • Supercomputing Infrastructure: Lumi and Elixir systems.
  • Performance Goals: Up to 400 petaflops per second.
  • Research Support: Various scientific fields to benefit.

Critics’ Perspective:

  • Debate over sufficiency of €1 billion investment.
  • Data privacy and security considerations.
  • Ambitious deployment timeline.

Illustrations were generaed with help of DALL-E

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